

Stdt Parking 

Register & Pay for Parking through My School Bucks.

You must provide proof of insurance and your TX Driver's License both online AND at schedule pick-up to receive your parking tag.

Parking at Montgomery High School is a privilege, NOT a right. Our goal is to provide a parking place on campus for as many of our students as possible.

Students who wish to drive their own vehicle to campus must use the link below to pay for their parking space/parking tag and register their vehicle. To receive a parking tag, you must:

  • Be classified as a 10th, 11th, or 12th grader
  • Read and agree to the Parking Rules and Regulations
  • Register below, providing the following information:
    • Vehicle make model, color, and license plate number
    • Student driver's license number including expiration date, school ID number, and grade level
    • Insurance company name, policy number, and expiration date
  • Pay $75.00 by credit card or online check using the link below; after January 1st of each year, price is $50.00
  • Show valid driver's license and proof of insurance when you pick up your parking tag

General Information

  • All vehicles must have their tag displayed on the rear-view mirror.
  • Students may only register for one parking space.
  • All parking assignments are generated through an Assistant Principal's office.
  • Students may not sell, loan, or give their tag to another student.
  • Freshman are not allowed to drive another student to school and park in their space.
  • Always park in your assigned space. If someone is in your space, write down the license plate number, park in front of the school, and report the information to an Assistant Principal's office immediately.
  • There is NO LOITERING in the parking lot. When you arrive at school, enter the building immediately.

Safety is Priority

  • The speed limit on campus is 15 mph.
  • Students may not drive recklessly or aggressively in the parking lots at any time.
  • Be patient and drive safe.
  • Students may not drive across the parking lot or drive in the wrong direction to pass cars.
  • Students may not ride on tops of cars or in the bed of trucks on campus.
  • Students are not permitted to pull in front of buses as they are leaving campus during dismissal.

Registered Vehicles ONLY

  • Only vehicles registered to a space may park on campus.
  • Student vehicles are not allowed to park in the following areas: Handicap spaces, Fire Zones, Bus Ramp, Faculty lots or Visitors' parking

Gravel Lot

  • Vehicles located in the gravel lot MUST use front end parking (no backing into the space).

Handicap Parking

  • Students with a parking permit must have a valid Handicap tag to park in designated handicap parking spaces on campus. Please contact an Assistant Principal if you need to park in these spaces.

Parking Lot Incidents

  • Report any damage to your vehicle to an Assistant Principal's office.
  • If you hit another car in the parking lot, do not move your vehicles. Exchange information with that person. Contact and Assistant Principal's office immediately.
  • If you hit another car in the parking lot and the vehicle is empty, do not leave the scene without reporting the incident to an Assistant Principal's office.
  • MHS assumes no responsibility if a vehicle is towed or booted--this is at the owner's expense.
  • MHS is not responsible for damage or loss of property to vehicles on campus.
  • Always lock your vehicles and put valuables out of sight.

Parking Suspensions

5 Day Suspension 10 Day Suspension Permanent Suspension (no refunds on parking fees)
5-1st period or late arrival tardies 10-1st period or late arrival tardies 15-1st period or late arrival tardies
3-1st period or late arrival unexcused absences 6-1st period or late arrival unexcused absences 9-1st period or late arrival unexcused absences
Failure to attend an After School Detention (ASD) Failure to attend a Saturday School (SAT) 15 unexcused absences any period
Any 1st offense parking or moving violation on campus 2nd truancy Attempt to damage or remove a boot on a vehicle
Unregistered vehicle 2nd parking or moving violation offense or combination of 5-day suspensions Second assignment to DAEP
Parking on campus while serving a parking suspension
Selling, giving away, or lending your parking spot to another student
3rd parking or moving violation offense or combination of parking suspensions

Parking Tag Payment and Registration

If you agree to abide by all the rules and consequences above, click the button below to pay for your parking tag and register your vehicle. After payment and registration, you may pick up your parking tag when you pick up your class schedule.

Register and Pay for parking HERE

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